Discover Lifeprints Childcare and Learning Center
About Us
Living up to our name
Educating young children is a tremendous honor, and also a tremendous responsibility. Parents know that their children's first teachers are also some of their first role models. Parents know that the confidence, independence, curiosity and creativity that we see in young adults was often encourage and developed in early childhood. At Lifeprints, we know that in order to earn your trust we have to live up to our name: to provide the experiences, guidance, love and support that will positively shape the lives of the children in our care.

Our approach to early childhood education
Children love learning. They are curious and energetic and they want to grow into their bodies and truly engage with the world and the people around them. Our role as educators is to create an environment that stimulates young learners’ creativity and to engage them in activities that support their exploration. We prepare our learners for Kindergarten, but an ‘academic approach’ doesn’t mean number worksheets and memorizing the alphabet. We support numeracy with counting and measuring games. We help develop literacy through art and learning to recognize one’s own name and friends’ names. Children cannot write if they cannot hold a pencil, so we build with clay and practice cutting with scissors. Children in Kindergarten and beyond read better if they have developed the critical thinking skills needed to follow a story. We support critical thinking with dramatic play and story-telling, and no matter the activity we challenge our children to think about what will happen next, or what might happen if we did this…
We are excited about what we do to support children, at every age, infant through preschool. Please reach out or schedule a tour to learn more.
Our Programs
We not only provide a loving and safe environment, but we work with you to provide the best care possible while you’re away. Do you have a unique feeding schedule or other special requirements? Let us know. We also ensure that your infant receives the stimulation they need to grow, through singing, hugging, and talking with your baby.

Your toddler is learning how to use their body and how to explore their world more on their own. They want to do more, and we help. We mix paints with our hands to make colors and practice holding markers and crayons. We act out stories at circle time and let the children explore manipulatives and the playgrounds outside. Even at this age, we encourage independence in both thought (choosing among several activities) and action (helping move items to tables, cleaning up, etc.).
Our twos love to engage with our different stations (art, science, library, etc.) as our teachers offer guidance and support. At this age we also begin to focus more on social skills, like how to play with our friends and how to share, as well as emotional skills, like how to calm ourselves down and what to do when we get angry. We continue to encourage independence with potty-training for those who are ready and by helping children with daily tasks like taking off their own shoes and washing their own hands.

We help our threes develop their natural expressiveness, through language, art and play. Our teachers ask more open ended questions and patiently encourage children as they ask “but why?”. We prod children to talk about their art as three year olds often use artwork to tell stories. We support the development of future literacy by practicing pattern recognition and we practice story telling using a beginning, middle and end. Threes are also able to better understand abstract concepts and so we introduce themes like ‘community’ and ‘team work’ and ‘honesty’. Our threes are eager to do more physically as well and so we engage in more demanding activities like hopping, throwing & catching and tag.
Fours & Fives
Our preschoolers are getting ready for Kindergarten and beyond. We practice sight words, like learning our friends’ names, and early phonics by recognizing sounds and letters in words. We go beyond counting and develop actual numeracy through measuring and estimating activities. We help foster concentration by allowing students to spend more time engaged in tasks before switching to the next part of the day. Most importantly, we try to equip our students with the critical thinking skills that will help them learn and grow throughout their lives, inside and outside of school.

Get to Know Us

Jennifer Werner
Lifeprints Director - Phoenix
Jennifer has been working in Early Childhood Education for over twenty years. Those years have included teaching Kindergarten, writing curriculum for preschool programs, training educators for larger chain schools and acting as a director. As a mom herself she understands the importance of building relationships between home and school and providing a safe, fun and educational environment where each child’s unique abilities and differences are celebrated each day. Joining our Lifeprints team has given her the opportunity to bring her knowledge, love and passion for early childhood education to our schools and expand our curriculum and daily experiences helping our children grow into amazing adults.
“Children learn through play and grow through experiences…if we don’t go home dirty we didn’t have a good day!” - Jennifer

Angelic Haynes
Lifeprints Director - Glendale
Angelic has worked in Early Childhood Education since 1993. She has experience working with all ages, infants through twelve years old. She is passionate about working with and supporting young children and their families. No matter the situation, she is always motivated to solve problems get the job done. She relishes her role in supporting children of all needs develop appropriately at their own pace and to provide the tools that children will need to be successful in life.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Where you can find us
Two locations to serve our families
Lifeprints - Phoenix
15630 N. 7th Street / Phoenix, AZ 85022

Lifeprints - Glendale
5680 W. Peoria Ave / Glendale, AZ 85302

Contact Us
Interested in scheduling a tour or learning more? Please send us a message and let us know if you are inquiring about our Phoenix or Glendale location. We look forward to hearing from you soon!